Savunese language / spelling

Most of the people on the island of Savu speak Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) and / or the local language, Savunese or Lii Hawu. A few people speak a minimum of English. The island is called Hawu in the local language, Sabu in Indonesian and Savu in English. The spelling Sawu, which is also found, is derived from the Dutch (Sawoe) in which the letter /w/ corresponds to the letter /v/ in English. The inhabitants are Do Hawu in the local language, or orang Sabu in Indonesian, and they are the Savu people or the Savunese in English.

Lii Hawu belongs to the Austronesian group of languages and its Central Malayo Polynesian (CMP) subgroup. Variants of Lii Hawu are spoken on islands where important communities of Savu people have established themselves, for instance in Kupang, (Timor), East Sumba and Ende (Flores).

Lii Hawu does not have the letters /f/ and /s/, the latter being replaced by /h/. However in Dutch manuscripts from the 17thcentury, the names of the island and of its inhabitants are spelt using the letter /s/, indicating that the change to /h/ occurred during colonial times. The first list of Lii Hawu words (with translation into English) was established by Sydney Parkinson from Captain Cook’s expedition on the Endeavour. The list contains some 250 words written with English orthography; it too uses the letter /s/.

A team of researchers under the leadership of Dr Chuck Grimes has been documenting the Savu language, Lii Hawu, since 2000 and a dictionary of vernacular terms has been published on-line with translations into Bahasa Indonesia and English. See (dictionaries Hawu). It is a work-in-progress and the dictionary will be augmented from time to time.

The glossary given below was produced for Palm blossoms of Savu / Bunga Palem dari Sabu (G. Duggan, 2010) and refers more specifically to weaving traditions and ceremonies related to textiles. It follows the spelling of the on-line dictionary.


Li HawuBahasa IndonesiaEnglish
a’akakakelder sibling
aebanyak, besar, lebatmany, much, great, big
aj’ukayu, pohonwood, tree
aj’u tegidakayu tegida (kayu dadap)tegida wood (erythryna orientalis)
aj’u genu.heddle stick
ama /mabapak /ayahfather
ariadikyounger sibling
b ; b’
bèkasambungan tengah sarungmiddle seam of sarong.
bèlaluas, lebarlarge, wide
bèniperempuan ;woman; also female name
èpu bèninenek ;grandmother; ancestress
bèni menanuwanita penenunfemale weaver; master weaver
b’ab’a ;pendek, rendah;short; low;
èi b’ab’asarung pendek untuk jasad seorang perempuan di Mesarashort sarong for corpse of women in Mesara
d ; d’
daonila / tarum / tomindigo
dinimotif kecil di bagian ujung sarungsmall motif on the end part of the tubeskirt
d’ab’aupacara permandian adat; nama bulan di calendar adattraditional baptism; also name of a month of the ceremonial calendar
d’ulatempat makan/dulang; dibuat dari cabang pohon lontarbasket/ container made of the stem of an areca tree branch; dish, plate, tray
e ; è
èhupusat / pusernavel
1. èiairwater;
èi madamata air; sumursource
2. èisarungtubular cloth for women; sarong
èi lèko wuesarung pertama anak perempuanfirst tubeskirt worn by a girl.
hi’i lèko wueselimut pertama anak laki-lakifirst loin cloth worn by a boy
èi wopudisarung anak (tanpa motif ikat)child sarong which has not yet ikat motifs.
èi mea sarung merah (kramat)red tubeskirt; powerful cloth for a deceased woman
èki /èkeikat, mengikatto tie, to connect
( tali)(lihat: tali: mengikat benang sebelum mencelup untuk membuat motif)(technique of tying cotton threads to create a motif before dye process)
èmu kepuerumah adat leluhurhouse of origin
èmu rukokorumah tradisional Sabutraditional house in Savu with extended ridge
èpuapugrand parent(s), ancestor(s)
g ; g’
g’abesargreat, magnificent
habagayung dari daun lontarbucket made of one lontar leaf
hab’abekerjato work (agriculture)
Hawu / j’awaSabu asli / orang dari luar Sabuindigenous / non-indigenous; foreign
hebemotif utama untuk sarung perempuanmain motif on woman’s tubeskirt
hengaa1. nafas, napas1. breath
2. arwah2. soul that never dies
hegaibengkok; sangkutanhook
Hèb’aSeba (Sabu barat)Seba (West Savu)
hèrualat memintal benangspindle
menyèrumemintalto spin (cotton)
hi’i / hig’i / hij’iselimut; juga selendang laki-lakiman’s hip-cloth (also shoulder cloth)
hi’i wohèpi /selimut dengan motif pertamahip-cloth with basic motif of
hij’i wohèpithe same name
Hole / Kowa holenama upacara terpenting di semua wilayah (pada bulan terakhir di dalam kalendar adat)name of one of the most important ceremonies in all domains (last month of lunar year)
hubi1. mayang; bunga palem1. palm flower
2. nama kelompok perempuan2. name of the moieties
hubi aemayang besar / Bunga Palem BesarGreater Blossom
hubi ikimayang kecil / Bunga Palem KecilLesser Blossom
huribelang; motif baris besar di atas selimut orang laki-lakistripe; large band of motif on man’s hip-cloth
ihiisi; badancontent; body
b’ui ihinama upacara: ‘siram badan’name of ritual ‘to sprinkle the body’
j ; j’
janga / kejangacabang;branch
hebe kejanganama motif khusus wini Putenganame of a pattern restricted to wini Putenga (Lesser Blossom)
Jingi tiukepercayaan kuno nenek moyangname of traditional ancestral religion
Jingi wikinama kelompok dari wini Putenga yang menpunyai gaib.Name of a group of people who practice black magic (wini Putenga)
kare ;pohon dadapLat. erythryna orientalis. Kare tree has to be planted next to the tegida
aj’u kare = aj’u tegidakayu dadap = kayu khusus untuk tegida
keb’èlalebar , luaslarge, big
kepepe keb’èlapusaka tenunan asliheirloom basket for textiles
kekama hab’apegangan gayung lontar; nama motif untuk selimuthandle of lontar palm bucket; name of a motif on men’s hip-cloth
kelutuberbelang/bergaris/berbintik ; efek zebradotted, zebra effect
kelutu meaberbintik putih dan merahdotted white and red
kelutu mèdiberbintik putih dan hitam ; memberikan efek garis-garis zebradotted white and indigo dots; gives a zebra effect.
rukètu1. rambut; 2. nama upacara1. hair ; 2. name of a ceremony
kene; hekene;sehelai kain tenun tanpa sambungan;weaving made of one piece;
d’ue kenekain yang terbuat dari dua potong dengan satu sambunganweaving made of two pieces (one seam)
kepepe pana (Mehara)keranjang terbuat dari daun lontar untuk menyimpan kain keramat waiplaited basket made of lontar palm leaves for heirloom weaving.
kepepe kenanaperalatan sirihbetel box
kèbo hida /mengkuduLat. morinda citrifolia
kèbo mèmomengkuduLat. morinda tomentosa (considered indigenous)
kewèhu kètukondehair bun; chignon
kewèhu raiupacara didalam kalender adatlit. ‘knot of the land’; generic name for ceremonies at fixed times in the calendar adat.
kowaperahutraditional boat
kowa holenama upacara ‘melarung perahu’ (April-Mei)name of a ceremony ‘to launch a boat’ (April-May)
kowa Makahaperahu Makasar (nama motif di selimut)Makassarese boat (name of a motif on men’s hip-cloth)
ledegunung, bukitmountain, hill
ledo1. tarian tradisional waktu upacara kematian orang penting1. traditional dance at funeral ceremony of important people
2. nama motif pertama untuk sarung kelompok Bunga Palem Kecil2. basic motif for sarongs of the Lesser Blossom
lèbatabu; nama motif sarung bangsawan (motif larangan)taboo, restriction; name of motif for sarongs of the ruling classes (restricted motif)
huri wolèmiselimut dengan lima baris motif utamafive rows of main motif on hip-cloth
huri wopidu selimut dengan tujuh baris motif utamaseven rows of main motif on hip-cloth
LiaeLiae (kecamatan Sabu selatan)Liae (district in southern part of Savu)
ligu wakesabuk alat tenunbelt of back-tension loom
lod’omatahari ; harisun; day
Apu Lod’o LiruTuhan (‘Keturunan Matahari’)God (‘Descendant of the Sun’)
luapembuluh darah, uratblood vessel ; vein ; tendon
lua wèngubenang kapascotton thread
dou (dèu) do madeorang matideceased (the dead person)
wai madetenunan kecil untuk membungkus mayatsmall weaving for wrapping a corpse
huri magonama motif di dalam baris ikat kecil pada selimut laki-lakiname of a motif in a small ikat band of a man’s hipcloth
MeharaMesara (kecamatan di bagian barat)Measra (district in western part of Savu)
mihasendiri; satu-satunyaitself, on its own; the only one
Hawu Miha/ JawaMihanama leluhur utamanames of key ancestors
mola’i / morenalaki-laki (pria) / betina, perempuanmale / female
Kobe morenaNama motif utama kelompok wini GaName of main motif wini Ga
Kobe mola’iNama motif utama subkelompok wini Ga (keturunan Mojo Lado)Name of male motif of subgroup of wini Ga (descendant of Mojo Lado)
j’uli ngi’ubadan dari sepotong tenunanbody of the cloth
pehere jaratarian kudahorse dance
pehèdubelida, balira (dari kayu asem)sword (of the loom; made of tamarind wood)
raadarahblood, ‘humor’
raitanah/daerah/pulau/daratland, island, region; realm;
Deo Rainama dewan : Penguasa Bumi /Tuhan Tanahname of priesthood: Priest of the Earth
raja1. pukul; 2. raja1. hammer; 2. king
èi rajasarung dengan garis raja (dulu untuk bangsawan)sarong with raja stripes (earlier restricted to nobility)
rena / morenabetinafemale
roa1. lubang1.hole; empty space
2. tempat antara dua papan2. space between two planks
3. baris kecil hitam antara dua baris bermotif ikat3. small black band between two bands of ikat design
ruhelagidaun pohon asemtamarind leaf (name of a pattern)
ruwèngudaun kapas; benang kapascotton leaf; cotton thread
talimengikat benang sebelum mencelup untuk membuat motiftechnique of tying cotton threads to create a motif before dye process
tegidarumah adat keturunan garis ibu; pusat organisasi untuk satu wini atau hubiritual house of a wini or a moiety
 tegida mearumah adat untuk mencelup mengkudu ancestral house for red dye
tegida mèdirumah adat untuk mencelup nilaancestral house for indigo dyes
aj’u tegida pohon dadap; kayu dadaperythryna orientalis
ub’amulut, telukmouth, bay
Ub’a aenama sebuah tempat upacara di Mesaraname of a ceremonial place in Mesara
udu / kerogosuku, (clan, garis ayah) / sub-group dari sukuclan (paternal line) / lineage
waisabuk (upacara)belt (ritual)
wai labe; wai madekain penutup jasad orang matiweaving used for covering the corpse
wènyi1. pohon pinang1. areca palm tree
2. nama perempuan2. female name
wini1. bibit1. seed;
2. cabang dari kelompok2. branching group in a moiety
wokelakunama motif utama di sarung kelompok Bunga Palem Besarname of main motif on sarong Greater Blossom
wurumada1. mata halusdelicate eyes;
j’uli wurumada2. bagian terakhir/ujung tenunan (rumbai)end part of loin cloth (also the fringe)