Preliminary list of readings on Savu.
Archival sources / Unpublished thesis
___________ Arsip National Republik Indonesia. (ANRI). Hoge regering.
____________ Arsip National Republik Indonesia. (ANRI). Dagregister.
Duggan, Geneviève. 2008. Processes of memory on the island of Savu. PhD thesis. Singapore: NUS
Heyligers, A.H.M.J. 1920. Memorie van overgafe van de onderafdeeling Savoe. Amsterdam: Kon. Institut voor de Tropen.
Jonker, J.C.G. Sawuneesche grammatica. Sawunesche wooordenlijst.
Jonker, J.C.G. Sawuneesche teksten, verhalen en pantun.
Kana, Nico L. 1978. Dunia orang Sabu. PhD Thesis. Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia.
Books and articles
Banks, Joseph. 1770
Beaglehole, J.C., ed. 1955. The voyage of the Endeavour 1768-1771. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Bintarti, D.D. 1985. Prehistoric bronze objects in Indonesia. In Indo-Pacific prehistory association bulletin. Canberra: ANU. Nr. 6: 65-73.
Cook, James. 1770.
Cuisinier, Jeanne. 1955. Un calendrier de Savu. In Journal Asiatique. Paris: Société Asiatique. Vol 224: 111-119.
Detaq, Yakob. 1973. Memperkenalkan kebudayaan Suku Bangsa Sabu. Ende: Nusa Indah.
Duggan, Geneviève. 1999. Savunese ikat weavings: a sister-brother network. Proceedings of International ikat forum. Kuching: Atelier Sarawak: 137-144.
Duggan, Geneviève. 2001. Ikats of Savu; women weaving history in eastern Indonesia. Bangkok: White Lotus.
Duggan, Geneviève. 2004 a. Woven Blossoms, seeds of history. In Hali. London: Centaur publications. Vol. 134: 110-114.
Duggan, Geneviève. 2004b. Woven traditions, collectors and tourists: a field report from Savu. In Fiona Kerlogue (ed). Performing objects; museums, material culture and performance in Southeast Asia. London: Horniman : 103-118.
Duggan, Geneviève. 2006. Ancêtres et tissages sacrés à Savu. In G. Breguet (ed.) La fibre des ancêtres; trésors textiles d’Indonésie de la collection Georges Breguet. Genève: MEG: 43-49.
Duggan, Geneviève. 2009. The genealogical model of Savu. In Journal of Indonesian Social Science and Humanities (JISSH) Vol: 2: 163-177. Jakarta/Leiden: LIPI / KITLV. ˂
Duggan, Geneviève. 2010. Palm blossoms of Savu / Bunga palem dari Sabu. Jakarta: Himpuman Wastra Prema / Textile Museum.
Duggan Geneviève. 2011a. Commensality and food prohibition: mnemotechniques on the island of Savu, eastern Indonesia. In Memoryscapes in Indonesia, special issue Indonesia and the Malay World, Routledge: London. Vol.39-113: 103-122) ˂˃.
Duggan, Geneviève. 2011b. Modes of remembering and transmitting knowledge; A VOC report of 1682 and local recollections, island of Savu, NTT. In Hans Hägerdal (ed). Tradition, identity, and history-making in Eastern Indonesia. Växjö: Linnaeus University Press: 26-67.
Fox, James, J. 1972. Savunese. In Frank M. Lebar (ed.), Ethnic groups of insular southeast Asia.1. New Haven: Human Relations Area Files Press. pp. 78-80.
Fox, James, J. 1977. The harvest of the palm: ecological change in eastern Indonesia. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Fox, James, J. 1979. The ceremonial system of Savu. In A.L. Becker and A.A. Yengoyan (eds), The imagination of reality: essays on southeast Asian coherence systems. Norwood: Ablex Publishing Corporation : 145-173.
Fox, James, J. 1980 (ed). The flow of life: essays on eastern Indonesia. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Fox, James, J. 1996. Panen Lontar. Perubahan ekologi dalam kehidupan masyarakat pulau Rote dan Sawu. Jakarta : Sinar Harapan.
Harris, Ron &al. 2009. Transition from subduction to arc-continent collision: Geological and neotectonic evolution of Savu island, Indonesia. In Geosphere. Geological Society of America. June 2009 vol.5 nr.3: 152-171.
Jata, Albert. 2006. Savu island in the power of deities / Pulau Sabu dalam kuasa para Dewa. Wisata. Jakarta: PT Bentara Komunika.
Kagiya, Akiko.1985. Spiritual predominance of the sister in Savunese society. In Man and culture in Oceania, 2: 115-119.
Kagiya, Akiko. 2010. Female culture in Raijua. Tokyo: Japan Publications Inc.
Kana, Nico L. 1978. Dunia orang Sabu. Unpublished thesis Universitas Indonesia di Jakarta. Jakarta: Ford Foundation.
Kana, Nico L. 1980. The order and significance of the Savunese house. In J. Fox (ed.), The flow of life: essays on eastern Indonesia. Cambridge: Harvard University Press: 221-230.
Kana, Nico L. 1983. Dunia orang Sabu. Jakarta: Sinar Harapan.
Leitão, Humberto. 1948. Os Portugueses em Solor e Timor de 1515 a 1702. Lisbo: Alta Cultura.
Parkinson, Sydney. 1770.
Riwu Kaho, Robert. 2005. Orang Sabu dan budayanya. Yogyakarta: Jogja Global Media.
Teffer. M. 1875. De Savoe-eilanden. Medeelingen van wege het Nederlandsh Zendelinggenootschap. 19:205-233.
Walker, Allan. T. 1982. Grammar of Savu. Jakarta: Universitas Atma Jaya.
Wellem, F. D. 2000. Menabur tangis menuai dengan sorak; Sejarah Gereja Masehi Injili di Timor di kepulauan Sabu. Panitia Sidang Majelis Sinode Gmit XXV di Sabu.
Wetering, F. H. Van de. 1926. De Savoeneezen. In Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde. Vol 82: 485-575.
Wijngaarden, J.K. 1896. Sawuneesche Woordenlijst. Leiden: KITLV.